Thursday, March 24, 2005

Simple Pleasures Cafe moved to a new host!


Just 10 weeks after launching my web site, I decided to switch to a new hosting service. It became apparent to me that the hosting service I was using could not provide the services required to give my visitors a great experience. I already had written 60 pages, and decided not to delay the switch another minute. Converting 60 pages took almost a week!! Glad I made the decision when I did. I can't imagine trying to convert 100 or more pages by myself.

Some of the new features:

I have added a "Share Your Favorite Simple Pleasure" page. You can add your favorite simple pleasure at Share! I also added a quick approval process so I can add you to this list quickly. With my old hosting service, I need to type the information on to the page. Now all I have to do is click approve. You can see other visitor's favorite simple pleasures at Shared Favorites!

I added a Topic Survey, so you could let me know what you want me to write about, either in my blog or on the site. You can also choose to receive a monthly recap of my blog topics and daily simple pleasures suggestions by filling out the survey. I also offer a free gift worth $23.99 if you complete the survey. Signing up for the free gift is totally optional. I value my customers, so if the free gift isn't right for you, you don't have to receive it!

I also made navigating through the daily suggestions easier, at the bottom of each daily pleasure are navigation links that allow you to go to the previous or next days suggestions without having to go back to the main page.

Lastly, I checked and double checked links on every page to make sure that each link I suggest brings you to a valid web site.

I am taking tomorrow off, but come Monday, you will start to see more daily suggestions, and by mid-April, I will have an inexpensive gift ideas page with easy navigation and many more ideas than I could have provided if I had stayed with my old hosting service.

Thanks for your visits!


Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Last Friday I wrote about receiving a gift that disappointed me. Even though I was disappointed, I learned a lot about gratitude that day. I learned that you should always be grateful for what you receive, now matter how big or small. I also learned that giving should never be done with the expectation of receiving. If you give with the expectation of receiving, you will almost always be disappointed. Give because you want to give. Also, learn to enjoy the simple pleasure of seeing a smile on someone else's face! Let that be your gift from them.

I am not suggesting that you shouldn't ask for things you want. Other people can't read our minds, even if sometimes we wish they could know our needs, or assume that they "should" know our needs. You should ask for what you want, the worst thing that can happen is that the person you asked says no. But maybe, just maybe, you request will be fulfilled. WOW!

On a different note, I haven't been writing for a few days. I have been busily working on building the foundation for the "gift ideas" section of my web site. I thought it would only take me a few days to build that section, but I am learning it will probably take me until the end of this month. A lot of work is goes into making the pages easy to navigate! I also want to make sure that the gifts I suggest are things I would like to receive or that I would be proud to give. Thanks for your patience.

Friday's Simple Pleasure - Realize You are Beautiful

Today's Simple Pleasure - Digital Photography Techniques - Black and White Masking

Friday, February 18, 2005

Scented Bed Linens

Do you want to get great nights sleep? I do, lol! I have started to scent my bed linens with lavender as well as keep a small bowl of lavender potpourri next to my bed. It seems to help make my sleep much less restless than it used to be, and at least now when I crawl into bed at night, sleep comes quickly and lasts until morning. I am so glad for that small blessing.

Today's simple pleasure - Scented Bed Linens

Thursday, February 17, 2005

In Memory of Marge

My neighbor Marge died this evening. I was in the middle of writing today's page for my web site when I received the call. Marge was the grandmother to the little girl who's photo is on my homepage and on the welcome page of this blog.

I will miss her so much. She was as good a neighbor as anyone could ever hope to have. My heart truly goes out to her children and grandchildren, if I will miss her, I can't even imagine their sorrow.

I found it somewhat ironic that my topic for today was about laughing until you cry. I didn't know that when I started writing it I would be laughing and by the time I finished it I would be crying.

But Marge was as stubborn as I, so I know she would have wanted me to finish the page despite my tears. Her funeral is Saturday, and on that day I can share my sadness as well as my happy memories with her family and friends.

So I dedicate today's simple pleasure to Marge - laugh - I think she would have liked that, and I think she would have found the humor in writing this page and dedicating it to her on the day she died.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Learn to Juggle!!

Last night, I spent over an hour trying to juggle two tangerines. I realize I have little or no juggling skills, but in that hour I seemed to get better and better. I read the instuctions on and I am hoping to increase my skills over the next few months. Most of all, I have to say that juggling is difficult but so much fun! Thanks again Jim for introducing me to this new and fun skill!

Today's simple pleasure - Learn to Juggle!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

A Relaxing Hot Bath!

That's what we all need! When was the last time you slept through the night? This bath is recommended only if you are looking for a good nights sleep. In the future, I will write about baths to invigorate and revive you. Tonight, I recommend this bath, one I assure you will bless you with sweet dreams.

Today's simple pleasure - Take a Relaxing Hot Bath

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!

I want to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day!

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, I started thinking about flirting. I realized it has been far too long since I have flirted with anyone, unless you count the butcher at the grocery store or the clerk at the gas station. So today I decided to do some research on flirting. From what I read, I haven't forgotten how to flirt, I just haven't been practicing.

I have never been someone to flirt with "intent." By that, I mean I usually flirt for fun, not with the intention of getting a date or trying to find a husband.

Do you have any tips on flirting to share? What kind of flirt are you?

Today's simple pleasure - Learn How to Flirt