Last Friday I wrote about receiving a gift that disappointed me. Even though I was disappointed, I learned a lot about gratitude that day. I learned that you should always be grateful for what you receive, now matter how big or small. I also learned that giving should never be done with the expectation of receiving. If you give with the expectation of receiving, you will almost always be disappointed. Give because you want to give. Also, learn to enjoy the simple pleasure of seeing a smile on someone else's face! Let that be your gift from them.
I am not suggesting that you shouldn't ask for things you want. Other people can't read our minds, even if sometimes we wish they could know our needs, or assume that they "should" know our needs. You should ask for what you want, the worst thing that can happen is that the person you asked says no. But maybe, just maybe, you request will be fulfilled. WOW!
On a different note, I haven't been writing for a few days. I have been busily working on building the foundation for the "gift ideas" section of my web site. I thought it would only take me a few days to build that section, but I am learning it will probably take me until the end of this month. A lot of work is goes into making the pages easy to navigate! I also want to make sure that the gifts I suggest are things I would like to receive or that I would be proud to give. Thanks for your patience.
Friday's Simple Pleasure - Realize You are Beautiful
Today's Simple Pleasure - Digital Photography Techniques - Black and White Masking
I am not suggesting that you shouldn't ask for things you want. Other people can't read our minds, even if sometimes we wish they could know our needs, or assume that they "should" know our needs. You should ask for what you want, the worst thing that can happen is that the person you asked says no. But maybe, just maybe, you request will be fulfilled. WOW!
On a different note, I haven't been writing for a few days. I have been busily working on building the foundation for the "gift ideas" section of my web site. I thought it would only take me a few days to build that section, but I am learning it will probably take me until the end of this month. A lot of work is goes into making the pages easy to navigate! I also want to make sure that the gifts I suggest are things I would like to receive or that I would be proud to give. Thanks for your patience.
Friday's Simple Pleasure - Realize You are Beautiful
Today's Simple Pleasure - Digital Photography Techniques - Black and White Masking
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