Getting Closer!
I never imagined that creating a web site about simple pleasures could be so time consuming. Perhaps it is just the standards I have set for myself that is making developing this web site appear to be so difficult. I'm checking and rechecking the information I provide, I want to make sure the site is interesting and useful.
Thanks to everyone who has visited so far. I know the site still has a long way to go, but I have promised myself, and therefore you, that I will keep working to bring you a web site that makes you smile and remember that it is the small things that truly make you happy.
Live your life simply and enjoy!
Today's simple pleasure - Make a cup of real hot chocolate!
Thanks to everyone who has visited so far. I know the site still has a long way to go, but I have promised myself, and therefore you, that I will keep working to bring you a web site that makes you smile and remember that it is the small things that truly make you happy.
Live your life simply and enjoy!
Today's simple pleasure - Make a cup of real hot chocolate!
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