Friday, February 18, 2005

Scented Bed Linens

Do you want to get great nights sleep? I do, lol! I have started to scent my bed linens with lavender as well as keep a small bowl of lavender potpourri next to my bed. It seems to help make my sleep much less restless than it used to be, and at least now when I crawl into bed at night, sleep comes quickly and lasts until morning. I am so glad for that small blessing.

Today's simple pleasure - Scented Bed Linens

Thursday, February 17, 2005

In Memory of Marge

My neighbor Marge died this evening. I was in the middle of writing today's page for my web site when I received the call. Marge was the grandmother to the little girl who's photo is on my homepage and on the welcome page of this blog.

I will miss her so much. She was as good a neighbor as anyone could ever hope to have. My heart truly goes out to her children and grandchildren, if I will miss her, I can't even imagine their sorrow.

I found it somewhat ironic that my topic for today was about laughing until you cry. I didn't know that when I started writing it I would be laughing and by the time I finished it I would be crying.

But Marge was as stubborn as I, so I know she would have wanted me to finish the page despite my tears. Her funeral is Saturday, and on that day I can share my sadness as well as my happy memories with her family and friends.

So I dedicate today's simple pleasure to Marge - laugh - I think she would have liked that, and I think she would have found the humor in writing this page and dedicating it to her on the day she died.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Learn to Juggle!!

Last night, I spent over an hour trying to juggle two tangerines. I realize I have little or no juggling skills, but in that hour I seemed to get better and better. I read the instuctions on and I am hoping to increase my skills over the next few months. Most of all, I have to say that juggling is difficult but so much fun! Thanks again Jim for introducing me to this new and fun skill!

Today's simple pleasure - Learn to Juggle!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

A Relaxing Hot Bath!

That's what we all need! When was the last time you slept through the night? This bath is recommended only if you are looking for a good nights sleep. In the future, I will write about baths to invigorate and revive you. Tonight, I recommend this bath, one I assure you will bless you with sweet dreams.

Today's simple pleasure - Take a Relaxing Hot Bath

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!

I want to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day!

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, I started thinking about flirting. I realized it has been far too long since I have flirted with anyone, unless you count the butcher at the grocery store or the clerk at the gas station. So today I decided to do some research on flirting. From what I read, I haven't forgotten how to flirt, I just haven't been practicing.

I have never been someone to flirt with "intent." By that, I mean I usually flirt for fun, not with the intention of getting a date or trying to find a husband.

Do you have any tips on flirting to share? What kind of flirt are you?

Today's simple pleasure - Learn How to Flirt

Friday, February 11, 2005

Great days! Difficult Work!

As I have mentioned, I never could have guessed that writing a web site would be so much work. But I am loving every minute of it, even during the head banging stages of creating a single page.

As of yesterday, I had no broken links on my site. Today, I still have to finish my "writing poetry page." Broken link! Oh No!! I thought about switching dates around, but then I thought better of trying to cut corners. I would only be letting myself off the hook. Before now, I didn't know a good web page could take from two to twelve hours to develop, or should I say, a simple web page can take that long to develop!

I'm looking forward to comments and suggestions for my site!

Today's simple pleasure - Read a good book - The Five People you Meet in Heaven

Have a great weekend, Caryn

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Just another day...

Wow, every muscle in my body hurts! I hope I can sleep well tonight. I doubt I will, but one can always hope! Two more pages to go! Good night, sweet dreams to you!

Today's simple pleasure - Make chocolate chip cookies from scratch!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Getting Closer!

I never imagined that creating a web site about simple pleasures could be so time consuming. Perhaps it is just the standards I have set for myself that is making developing this web site appear to be so difficult. I'm checking and rechecking the information I provide, I want to make sure the site is interesting and useful.

Thanks to everyone who has visited so far. I know the site still has a long way to go, but I have promised myself, and therefore you, that I will keep working to bring you a web site that makes you smile and remember that it is the small things that truly make you happy.

Live your life simply and enjoy!

Today's simple pleasure - Make a cup of real hot chocolate!
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